Filming and photography in the Tweed


Hosting filmmakers Filming locations How to apply for a licence

Why film in the Tweed?

The Tweed offers a range of rural, coastal and scenic locations that are quiet and attractive to filmmakers.

Short films, documentaries, major feature films, television series and commercials have been filmed here.

The area is also a popular location for photography shoots.

Located between the Gold Coast and Byron Bay, the Tweed is conveniently located near major roads and airports.

Hosting filmmakers

Council encourages filming in the Tweed and recognises the benefits that come from hosting filmmakers in our unique destination.

Along with major film producers from Australia, UK, Europe, USA and Asia, we welcome local filmmakers, students and small scale projects.

Some of the natural features which make the Tweed a special place to film are incredibly unique environments that require special care.

Council works to ensure benefits to the region are maximised. Film producers must consider the impact on the community, residents and businesses and make sure public safety and the environment are protected.

Filming locations

Our most popular natural features are our beaches. To assist filmmakers with our preferred beach filming locations, view the preferred beach filming maps(PDF, 31MB).

Please select your site carefully to ensure it is suitable for your filming. Council can help with identifying suitable locations, contact us to discuss.

Application and approval process

Filming in the Tweed

Before commencing any filming, a licence and applicable fees are required for filming on Council owned property (including open spaces, outdoor areas such as footpaths, roads, beaches and parks).

Before applying for a film licence, filmmakers should read the NSW Film Protocol which has been adopted by Council.

Stills photography, media current affairs and news coverage do not require a permit but notification and a request to Council is required where access to Council managed land is required (this includes parks, beaches and roads).

A completed Filming and Photography application must be submitted to Council no less than:

  • 4 working days in advance of ultra-low impact filming
  • 7 working days’ notice for low to medium impact filming
  • 12 weeks’ notice for high impact filming to ensure traffic management is in place.

To apply, complete the online application form and provide the following information:

  • Certificate of Currency
  • location map
  • traffic management plan (if applicable)
  • community notification letter (if applicable)
  • RPA accreditation – for drone usage (if applicable)

Once your application is received, it will be assessed based on its impact, scope and location. The relevant Council units will be informed and a decision will be made and communicated to you.

Council can only issue permission to film on Council owned land. The Production Company must notify all relevant authorities and seek any relevant approvals prior to filming. Contact Council to confirm who has jurisdiction over the location you wish to film.

Fees and payments

There are fees associated with filming and this will be discussed with you before approval. You may also be required to pay a bond.

Current fees are in line with the NSW Film Protocol. Additional fees may apply, see Council’s fees.

Apply online for a Filming and Photography licence