Offences and penalties
Council can impose penalties for a number of offences relating to water and wastewater. Penalties may be in the form of disconnection or compulsory repair for the offender. Fines may also apply.
The NSW Division of Local Government details all offences and penalties relating to water and wastewater in the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.
Some of the more common offences are shown below. For a full list of offences, penalties and amendments,refer to the Local Government Act and Regulations.
Work on supply in contravention to regulations and standards
Section: 634
Examples: Illegal water or wastewater service connection (typically unmetered)
Work complete without Section 68 approval
Liquid trade waste non-compliance
Damage to Council Property
Section: 635
Examples: Wilful damage to water supply or sewer infrastructure or negligence of water supply or sewer infrastructure when working within the vicinity
Tampering with meters or fittings
Section: 636
Examples: Wilful damage to meter
Alter flow through meter or bypass meter
Waste or misuse of water
Section: 637, part (1)
Examples: Wilful misuse of water from supply or failure to repair obvious major leaks
Pollution of Public Water Supply
Section: 639
Examples: Wilful pollution in a water supply or wilful pollution of source of supply
Non-compliance with water restrictions
Examples: If water restrictions are in force, Council Rangers and Authorised Officers will be conducting random checks for non-compliance. Customers are also encouraged to let Council know of any misuse of water and this information will be investigated.
Discharge of prohibited matter into sewer or drain
Section: 638
Examples: Discharging any prohibited matter into a public sewer, a fitting connected to a public sewer, a public drain, or a gutter of a council is an offence.