Choose Tap

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Make the sustainable choice. Choose tap water.

Tap water in the Tweed is nature's finest - lab results show its quality equals Australia's 4 top-selling bottled water brands and during blind test tests, members of our community rated our tap water equal to bottled water.  

Tweed tap water is refreshing, replenishing, cheaper than the bottled stuff you can buy and protects the environment.

Yet according to the United Nations, we Australians buy too much bottled water. Sadly, we are the second biggest consumers of bottled water in the world, per capita.

This is creating mountains of plastic waste.

That's why we've joined the national Choose Tap initiative. We want everyone in the Tweed to choose tap water - it's the most sustainable drink.

Find a tap to refill 

Did you know?

  • Each year, every Australian uses about 130 kg of plastic.
  • Plastic bottles are in the top 10 rubbish items found on Clean Up Australia Day.
  • Less than 20% of plastic gets recycled.
  • About 80% of plastic ends up as landfill or litter.
  • More than 90% of the cost of a bottle of water is for the lid, bottle and label.

Here's why we should all choose tap

Sea turtle

$3.25 to buy, 2 minutes to drink, 450 years to decompose

A few minutes of convenience is costing our planet a lifetime of trouble. But every time you choose tap water, you're saving our oceans from yet another ‘disposable’ disaster.

Disposable plastic doesn't actually exist

Single-use plastic bottles live on. They are filling our oceans, leaking toxins and having a lasting impact on our planet.

Turn the tide on plastic pollution

By 2050, scientists predict there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish. Every time you choose tap water, you’re helping to turn this around.

The true cost of bottled and tap water

There is a major price difference between bottled water and your tap water.

A modest 600 mL (0.6 litre) bottle of water on the store shelf has an average price tag of about $3.25.

A massive 1000 litres of tap water costs less in the Tweed - about $3.30.

This means you could fill a 600 mL bottle with Tweed tap water 1667 times for the cost of 600 mL of bottled water.

Even if you buy bottled water in bulk and manage to drive the cost down to $1.50 a litre, you'd still be paying 454 times more than your tap water.

According to Clean Up Australia, it takes 3 litres of water and 250 mL of oil to produce one litre of bottled water. Water, energy and other precious resources are sacrificed to produce a fraction of its volume.

Council believes in affordability. We charge a cost-recovery price for tap water, ensuring you can enjoy the refreshment of water without draining your wallet.

When it comes to quenching your thirst, opt for sensibility. Choose Tweed tap water - it's where quality and affordability unite.

Will you join us?

We've all seen the damage single-use plastics are doing to the environment.

Choosing Tap won't solve this, but we're certain it's a great place to start.

Be part of the solution. Join us in ditching the plastic and choosing tap.

Safe, sustainable and affordable water and wastewater services - Safe