Red lid bins – landfill
Council’s red lid landfill waste collection is:
- Collected every 2 weeks in urban areas (houses and duplexes).
- Collected every week in multi-unit blocks and rural areas.
Only items that that cannot be reused, recycled or composted go in your red bin.
Red lid – goes to landfill
- Switching to a smaller red bin saves you money
- 80 L, 140 L and 240 L sizes available
To make a request or find out more, call 02 6670 2400 or email
What goes in a red bin?
Place these items in your red bin
- All plastic bags, soft plastics and packaging, wrappers and bubble wrap
- All nappies (including biodegradable and compostable)
- Bottle top lids
- Broken crockery, ceramics
- Cigarette butts
- Coffee cups and pods
- Fabric - soiled clothing, doonas, pillows
- Food pouches
- Hygiene items and wipes
- Laminated paper, stickers, photos
- Lightbulbs
- String, twine, rope, wire
- Treated timber
- Toothpaste tube and toothbrushes
- Pet waste and kitty litter
- Polystyrene including meat trays, foam cups
- Pyrex and glass
- Plastic straws and cutlery
- Wire, string, rope, hoses
- Xrays
What doesn't go in a red bin?
Keep these out of your red bin
- Batteries (car and household)
- Building materials
- Medical waste or sharps
- Scrap metal
- Car parts
- Concrete
- Gas bottles
- Motor oil
- Oil or paint
- Smoke detectors
- Fire extinguishers
- Fluorescent lights globes and tubes
- Food and garden waste (place in green organics bin or other compost systems)
- Hazardous materials (asbestos, chemicals, paint)
To find out what to do with these items search our waste wizard!
Bins in summer

- Make sure all your bin lids close completely.
- Store your bins in a shaded area if possible.
- Place green bin out for weekly collection even if it’s not full.
- Put prawn peelings, meat scraps and fish in the freezer until bin day.
- Dispose of nappy waste in the toilet, then double bag with nappy bags before putting in the red bin (read about cloth nappies).
- Layer your green bin with food waste and garden clippings, to help keep flies away from your food scraps.
- Maggots and fly eggs can be killed with boiling water.
For more information download our Fact sheet: 3 Bin System - Tips for summer(PDF, 663KB)