
Everyone reacts differently to noise. What can be unbearable for one person may pass almost unnoticed by another.
If you're bothered by noise, it's best to speak to the person responsible.
For help resolving a conflict see our neighbours page.
What is offensive noise?
Councils are guided by:
Definition of offensive noise
The definition of offensive noise in the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 is noise:
- that, by reason of its level, nature, character or quality, or the time at which it is made, or any other circumstances:
- is harmful to (or is likely to be harmful to) a person who is outside the premises from which it is emitted, or
- interferes unreasonably with (or is likely to interfere unreasonably with) the comfort or repose of a person who is outside the premises from which it is emitted, or
- that is of a level, nature, character or quality prescribed by the regulations or that is made at a time, or in other circumstances, prescribed by the regulations.
When can Council help?
If you need to report your noise issue to Council, you need to provide:
- type of noise
- source of noise, including the address
- a record of the noise for 14 days including time, dates, and duration
See our dealing with noise pack(PDF, 317KB) for a template to record the noise.
Report a noise problem
Once you have all the details, use the online form to report the problem to Council.
We will investigate and let you know actions that can be taken. As a first response, we advise the owner of the noise source of the issue and encourage them to explore options to prevent the noise.
Should the noise continue you will need to let us know. Further investigation and evidence may be required.
If you want to take action independently of Council, you can seek a noise abatement order from the local court.
Who else can help?
Some types of noise are better handled by other agencies or organisations such as NSW Police, NSW EPA, Roads and Maritime Services, and Air Services Australia.
Sources of noise
Air conditioners
When installing equipment such as air conditioners and hot water heat pumps, keep them away from your neighbours’ bedroom and living room windows or have them acoustically shielded.
Neighbourhood noise
Aircraft noise
Buying or moving into a new home? Remember to check for aircraft noise at your new location. See Air Services Australia
Residential noise - time restrictions
Noise type |
Time restrictions (noise should not be able to be heard in a habitable room) |
Power tools and equipment |
- 8pm to 7am on weekdays
- 8pm to 8am Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Musical instruments and electrically amplified sound equipment |
- Midnight to 8am on Friday, Saturday or any day before a public holiday
- 10pm to 8am on any other day.
For antisocial behaviour or disturbances outside of normal business hours:
Air conditioners and heat pump water heaters |
- 10pm to 7am on weekdays
- 10pm to 8am on weekends and public holidays
Motor vehicles |
Vehicle noise is acceptable when leaving and entering residential premises.
Other vehicle noise should be restricted between:
- 8pm to 7am on weekdays
- 8pm to 8am on weekends and public holidays
Refrigeration units fitted to motor vehicles |
- 8pm to 7am on weekdays
- 8pm to 8am on weekends and public holidays
Pool pumps and spa pumps |
- 8pm to 7am on weekdays
- 8pm to 8am on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Barking dogs and keeping of animals |
Report a barking dog
Council: 02 6670 2400
Nuisance noise created by barking dogs is noise that consistently occurs or continues to such a degree that it unreasonable interfered with the peace, comfort or convenience of another person in any other premises.
Industrial and commercial noise
Other noise sources
Noise type |
Who to contact |
Fireworks |
SafeWork NSW: 13 10 50 |
Intruder alarms
Police Assistance Line: 131 444 (including antisocial behaviour or disturbances outside of normal business hours).
In Vehicles manufactured:
- before 1 Sept 1997: more than 90 seconds
- on/after 1 Sept 1997: sounding for more than 45 seconds
In Buildings installed:
- before 1 Dec 1997: sounding for more than 10 minutes
- on/after 1 Dec 1997: sounding for more than 5 minutes
Also see - EPA - Managing Intruder Alarm Noise
Noise in public places
Council: 02 6670 2400 including after hours
Police Assistance Line: 131 444 (including antisocial behaviour or disturbances outside of normal business hours).
Keeping of animals |
Council: 02 6670 2400
Or see Keeping of Animals