Fire ants

Red imported fire ants (RIFA) can spread rapidly and are a major risk for Australia.
If you see any sign of fire ants, call the NSW DPI hotline on 1800 680 244 or report it online.
Entry requirements for materials from restricted areas (QLD)
Council has been working with the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and other agencies to ensure the Tweed is on high alert following detections of the invasive ants at Tallebudgera, about 5.5 km north of the NSW border in July 2023.
Visit the NSW Government website to check entry requirements for anyone moving such products into NSW from any fire ant biosecurity zone in Queensland.
The Queensland Government also has rules that apply to people and businesses moving materials that can carry fire ants.

Fire ant detection sites
A map showing all fire ant detection sites in Queensland over the past 12 months is published on the National Fire Ant Eradication Program website.
What to look out for
Fire ants can look similar to other ants but their ant nests are distinctive with mounds of loose, crumbly or fluffy looking soil with a honeycomb appearance, up to 40 cm high, with no obvious entrance holes.

A fire ant nest (source: NSW DPI)
Fire ants are dark reddish-brown with a darker black-brown abdomen and from 2 to 6 mm long.
They are very aggressive and will swarm out of the nest if gently poked with a stick. If people are stung, the multiple stings fire ants inflict form white pustules within 48 hours.
Look for them in sunny open areas, including lawns, parks, school grounds, sports fields, golf courses, gardens, foreshores, paddocks, disturbed soil and roadsides.
Report suspicious sightings immediately
NSW: Call NSW Department of Primary Industries hotline 1800 680 244 or use the online form.
Queensland: Call Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23 or report fire ants online.
If you discover fire ants on Council property call us on 02 6670 2400 or call the NSW DPI hotline above.