A security bond may be required on certain development applications to guarantee against damage to surrounding public infrastructure from private construction works. These include:
- Subdivisions
- Development Applications
- Swimming Pool Applications
- Complying Development Applications.
By requiring a bond, Council encourages builders and developers to take extra care in protecting public assets, ensuring the community isn't left to cover repair costs. This approach promotes responsible construction, reduces the risk of harm, and maintains the integrity of public spaces.
For Development and Swimming Pool Applications, the bond is paid before a Construction Certificate can be issued. For Complying Development Applications, the bond must be paid before work can start. In both cases, this will be a condition of the approval. The bond payment is required when the Construction Certificate is submitted through the NSW Planning Portal.
For subdivisions, a cash bond or bank guarantee is to be lodged with Council before a subdivision works certificate or subdivision certificate can be issued (also a condition of the approval).
All bonds are refundable after a final inspection has been passed and on submission of a cash bond or bank guarantee refund request to Council.
Photographic records Bond amounts Application and refund process Frequently asked questions
Photographic records
We recommend you take clear, dated photographs of all relevant Council infrastructure around the development site and the neighbouring properties, before construction begins. The images should be taken from a perspective that identifies where in proximity to the works they were taken from.
These images are to be uploaded with your bond application and retained until the bond refund request has been processed to assist in ensuring a smooth bond refund process.
For non-subdivision, examples of images include:
- the driveway (or the location where it will be constructed), including the footpath
- existing Council footpath
- existing Council kerb and gutter
- existing Council greenspace (area between the street and the footpath in front of the property).

Example photos should include driveways, footpaths, kerbs and gutters, and road reserves.
Bond amounts
For bond amounts, refer to Council's fees and charges online. Note there are separate fees to cover bond administration and site inspection.
The bond will be held until an occupation certificate is issued, and Council is satisfied that public infrastructure is in a pre-construction state.
Bond application and refund process