Construction certificates
How to lodge What you'll need Owner-builders Long service levy Starting work
What is a Construction Certificate and why do I need one?

A Construction Certificate (CC) is an approval that ensures building plans and specifications meet Australian standards for building. The Construction Certificate certifies that:
- work completed in line with the approved plans and specifications will comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and any other relevant Australian standard
- detailed construction plans and specifications are consistent with the Development Consent (Development Application approval)
- relevant consent conditions have been complied with
- all necessary contributions and fees have been paid.
Construction certificates are required before any building work can begin and cannot be issued until the Development Application (DA) has been approved (the DA approval is known as 'Development Consent'). The Construction Certificate must be consistent with the DA approval.
A NSW accredited certifier must undertake the certification and inspection work for your development. Visit the NSW Fair Trading website to find and appoint a registered certifier or consider using Council's accredited certifiers.
How to lodge a Construction Certificate
Construction Certificate applications must be applied for online via the NSW Planning Portal.
An application for a Construction Certificate may be lodged at the same time as your Development Application or at any time after the lodgement of the Development Application.
By lodging both applications at the same time, you can speed up the process as it means Council’s Building Surveyors and Certifiers can consider your proposal while the Development Application is being assessed.
For information on how to lodge a construction certificate visit NSW Planning Portal help and resources.
What you'll need with your application
Construction Certificate applications must be submitted with the following copies:
- structural details for the proposal including footing and floor slab design, framing and bracing details and other any other details required by the National Construction Code (NCC)
- specifications - statement of building requirements describing the loading conditions, design practices, materials and finishes (specifications are typically drafted by an architect/draftsperson)
- BASIX certificates ensuring that BASIX requirements are also shown on the plans and specifications
- full architectural plans.
In addition to the above some proposed works may require:
- copies of related Compliance Certificates such as an engineer's design certificate
- acoustic certification
- fire safety measures and fire resisting construction detail
- alternative solutions if your proposal does not comply with the provisions of the NCC.
For statutory Construction Certificate submission requirements, please see Schedule 1 Part 3 of Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.
Depending on the type of building works, a number of associated applications may be required, such as a driveway application or sewer connection application for plumbing and drainage work.
Should you choose to complete the building work as an owner-builder, you must first apply for an Owner-Builder Permit with Fair Trading NSW and submit a copy to Council for all residential building work exceeding $10,000. Permits must show the correct property details and Council application number to which the permit relates.
If the building work is valued at more than $20,000, you will also need to complete certain units of competency, as part of the owner-builder education requirement.
Long Service Levy
All building and construction work in NSW valued at $250,000 or more (inclusive of GST) is charged a Long Service Levy.
You are encouraged to pay the levy when lodging your Construction Certificate application. If paying direct to the Long Service Payments Corporation, Council will require proof of payment.
If you are an owner-builder, non-profit organisation or church you may be eligible for a partial exemption. There is also an exemption for bushfire affected applicants. Exemptions should be applied for prior to lodging a Construction Certificate and a copy of the exemption certificate submitted with your application.
Alternatively, you can pay the long service levy in full and apply to the Long Service Payments Corporation for the exemption and a refund of the exempt portion of the levy within 3 months of the payment. You will require proof of payment for any refund.
For further information please call the Helpline on 13 14 41 or visit
Starting building work
Once lodged, your Construction Certificate application goes through an initial review and is assigned to a Building Surveyor.
You are required to let us know when you plan to start works at least 2 business days prior. Simply complete and return to us the Notice of Commencement of Building Work form issued with the Construction Certificate.
For further information on what you need to do before you can start work, head to starting building work or contact us.