Operating a market

To find local markets near you visit the What's On Tweed events calendar.
Approvals for operating a market
Public markets take place on both public (Council) land and private land.
Markets on private land require development consent approval and are operated by a private person or organisation under the conditions of consent.
To find out about market approvals contact Council’s Development Assessment Unit on 02 6670 2400.
Want to sell food at a market or event, such as a food van/truck? Find out what approvals you need on the food businesses page.
Community markets
Community markets are markets held on public land under the control of Council. They take place in locations including Pottsville, Kingscliff, Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads. These markets are not directly controlled or operated by Council.
Every 3 years Council calls for expressions of interest from any person or group interested in operating a community market.
Once submissions are determined, Council issues successful applicants with an approval to operate a market for 3 years, under the Local Government Act 1993.
All advertising, bookings and day to day management of these markets are by the approved operators.
Current market approvals expire on 1 November 2024.
See current approved community markets below:
Markets held less than 4 times a year will be assessed under our Market Policy and within the requirements of the Event Application and/or Development Consent Process. This includes requests for markets located indoors at Council premises, such as community centres and halls.
Tumbulgum Farmers Market
The Farmers Market site at the corner of Riverside Drive and Tweed Valley Way is currently not operating. Applications are not being considered at this time.