Use of footpaths for business
Outdoor dining Busking Stalls / tables Goods display

Footpaths can be a great opportunity for businesses, whilst making sure the right checks and approvals are in place to ensure the safety of everyone.
Footpath (outdoor) dining
Footpath dining can bring financial benefit to businesses and provides an enjoyable experience for customers.
This information is for food businesses seeking to use Council’s footpath as part of their dining area.
How to apply for footpath dining
- Familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of footpath trading as shown in Council's Footpath Trading Policy(PDF, 426KB).
- Create an electronic copy of your plan showing the footpath dining area as shown in the Footpath Trading Policy(PDF, 426KB).
- Obtain an electronic copy of your business public liability insurance (minimum cover of $20 million) with notation of Council’s interest in the policy.
Submit a footpath dining application
Dining approvals are issued for a 5 year period in agreement with Council’s Footpath Trading Policy.
Footpath dining application fee and use fees
See fees and payments
Contact Council’s Environmental Health team for more information on 02 6670 2400.
As part of your application, you will need to submit a letter of support from the business or businesses most directly impacted by your activity. Council only supports busking in parks when associated with a licensed event or activity.
Apply for approval to busk on a Council footpath:
Submit a busking application
Ticket tables and street stalls
As part of your application, you will need to submit a letter of support from the business or businesses most directly impacted by your activity.
Apply for approval to have a ticket table or street stall on a Council footpath:
Submit a ticket table / street stall application
Display of goods on the footpath
Council is reviewing requirements for the display of goods on the footpath. No approvals for use are being issued at this time.