Minor renovations

Old window needing repair

Minor renovations include non-structural building works carried out both inside and outside your home. If you want to make any structural changes to a building, such as an extension or raising your home, see new homes or additions.

  • Works inside (internal alteration) include renovations such as a new bathroom or kitchen.
  • Work on the outside of your home (external alteration) include renovations such as replacing your roof or installing security screens.

Do I need approval?

You will not need approval if it meets all the relevant development standards for exempt development.

View the legal requirements for your renovation / alteration:

If the proposal doesn't qualify as exempt development, you may be able to apply for a Complying Development Certificate or a Development Application.

Do I qualify for a Complying Development Certificate?

An Exempt and Complying Development Certificate may be issued for residential building alterations if the proposal meets all of the relevant development standards. 

Check if your proposal is a complying development by viewing the Housing Alterations Code.

If your proposal does not meet all of the standards you must lodge a Development Application.

I need a DA, what do I do next?

If your proposal does not qualify as Complying Development, you will need to lodge a Development Application.

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has a useful guide to the DA process.