Non-residential electoral roll open for registrations

11 May 2021

Applications close on 26 July 2021

Owners of rateable property who live outside the Tweed Shire are invited to register to vote in the upcoming NSW Local Government election on Saturday 4 September 2021.

Under NSW Government legislation, anyone who owns rateable property in a local government area is entitled to vote in that area – even if they do not live there. However, it is not compulsory to do so.

Similarly, eligible occupiers and rate-paying lessees are also entitled to vote in council elections, with one vote per property allowed through a nominated representative.

Unlike the normal electoral roll, the non-residential roll is not maintained by the NSW Electoral Commission, but by individual councils.

Tweed Shire Council General Manager Troy Green encouraged all non-resident ratepayers to register to vote.

“It’s essential eligible ratepayers have their say on how Council works,” he said.

“Councillors represent our ratepayers, ensuring the Tweed grows in an environmentally, socially and economically responsible way.”

Those interested in registering on the non-residential roll must lodge their details with the General Manager on or before 6 pm on Monday 26 July 2021.

Further information on the non-residential roll and application forms to register, are available for download on Council’s elections webpage at

For further information on the election, visit the NSW Electoral Commission at or phone 1300 135 736.

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