Safety improvements proposed for Kennedy Drive

08 December 2020

Plans to change boat ramp intersection at Norman Street

Council is seeking comments from the community on its plans to improve road safety on Kennedy Drive, Tweed Heads, at the boat ramp intersection between Norman and McDonald streets.

Council has received Federal Black Spot funding to reduce the number of traffic collisions on this stretch of road. Over the past five years, 11 people have been injured, including three pedestrians, at this location.

Proposals for the Kennedy Drive black spot project include:

  • A dedicated right-turn lane into Norman Street from Kennedy Drive.
  • Prohibiting right turns out of Norman Street at the intersection with Kennedy Drive.
  • A new centre refuge on Kennedy Drive near the boat ramp to provide a safe crossing point for pedestrians.
  • Improving pedestrian safety near Scales Seafood by widening the centre median and parking lane nearest to the river as well as installing fencing to funnel people to the safe crossing point.
  • Left-in and left-out only at the boat ramp.
Residents and visitors can view the concept designs for the project at and make comment until 4pm on Thursday 31 December 2020.

External consultants were engaged to review the current situation which included the installation of traffic cameras, on-site observations, crash reviews and traffic modelling.

“An extensive review of this black spot area at Kennedy Drive has found that there were no safe gaps for motorists to turn right out of Norman Street or right out of the boat ramp during peak times,” Road Safety Officer Alana Brooks said.

“There was no perfect option that maintained the current level of access, traffic flow and parking, while addressing safety issues and to meet the needs of residents now and into the future. The proposal selected provides the greatest safety benefits, while maintaining acceptable traffic flow on Kennedy Drive.

“A compliant roundabout could not be installed within the available space. We also reviewed traffic signals but these would create long queues on Kennedy Drive even with current traffic volumes.”

The proposals have been endorsed by the Tweed Shire Local Traffic Committee which includes Council officers, Councillors, Transport for NSW and NSW Police.

Works are scheduled to take place following the school holidays in April 2021.

For more information on the Kennedy Drive black spot project, visit

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