Penalty infringement notice issued for illegal dumping

16 June 2020

Multiple illegal dumping investigations in progress

Council has issued a penalty infringement notice for a recent incident of illegal dumping as part of a new program targeting dumping hotspots.

Earlier this year, in partnership with North East Waste, Council began working on an illegal dumping hotspot intervention project, increasing surveillance and installing multiple signs across the Tweed to alert the community that on-the-spot fines can be issued by Council to offenders caught dumping waste illegally.

Environmental Health Officer Kelly Piazza said Council issued a $2,000 penalty infringement notice for illegal dumping earlier this month after receiving information leading to a suspect who was interviewed in relation to the offence.

“We are currently investigating a second case of illegal dumping which, depending on the outcome of our investigations, could attract a similar or larger penalty infringement notice,” Ms Piazza said.

“We will continue to monitor illegally dumped waste left behind on road sides, laneways, waterways, bushland and on the approaches to costal reserves, with the intention of investigating each incident and interviewing the alleged offenders.

“Council hopes the issuing of penalty infringement notices for illegal dumping serves as both a warning and a deterrent to would-be offenders. People who carry out premeditated illegal dumping activities are now less likely to get away with the offence and more likely to be identified, interviewed and fined.”

Council Environmental Health Officers and Rangers can issue on the spot fines of $2,000, $4,000 and $8,000. Maximum penalties up to $250,000 for individuals and $1 million for corporations can apply.

Illegally dumped waste is costly to clean up, can cause health concerns for the offenders and for the community and can also cause environmental hazards.

The illegal dumping hotspot intervention project is a NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.

Report illegal dumping online:

For more information:


Photo 1(JPG, 265KB)

Caption: A penalty infringement notice has been issued to the person who illegally dumped this waste.

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