DPI called to fish kill at Vintage Lakes

08 May 2020

More kills likely in coming days

Council has reported a fish kill at Vintage Lakes, Banora Point, to DPI Fisheries who are investigating the cause of the kill.

About 30 mullet have been found dead at the outlet of the freshwater lake, with about 60 more struggling to breathe.

It is expected more fish will die over coming days.

Council will remove the dead fish once investigations are complete.

Council also has reported that the water body of Clarrie Hall Dam has started to turnover due to the change in temperature.

Council is monitoring conditions at the dam but as yet has no reports of fish kills.

Clarrie Hall Dam undergoes a seasonal overturn every few years, where the deeper de-oxygenated waters well up to the top of the water column.

This is a natural process normally happening around the beginning of winter as the top water layers cool and sink to the bottom forcing the bottom layers up.


Photo 1(JPG, 188KB)

Caption: Fish kill at Vintake Lakes, Banora Point.

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