Do not come and visit the Tweed
01 April 2020
Mayor backs Order to limit public gatherings and non-essential movement
The message is clear to visitors – stay away from the Tweed during the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis unless you work here or meet specific exemption criteria.
The NSW Government’s Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order 2020 directs that a person must not leave their home without a reasonable excuse. This includes going to work or education (if they can’t work remotely), household shopping, medical needs or the care of others, exercise, or other listed exemptions.
The Order also limits gatherings to two people in a public place, however some exemptions apply including for members of the same household or where gathering is essential for work or education.
Mayor of Tweed Katie Milne said going on holiday to the Tweed was not a reasonable excuse under these new rules and NSW Police would act.
“This is a time of crisis, not a time to take a break in the Tweed or anywhere else,” Cr Milne said.
“It’s absolutely vital that everyone follows these new laws to stay at home and not to gather - and that means staying in the home where you usually live, not a holiday home. This applies to our neighbours on the Gold Coast and in Byron Shire considering a day-trip to the Tweed.”
Heavy penalties apply through the Public Health Act 2010, which allows for a maximum penalty for an individual of imprisonment for six months or a fine of up to $11,000 (or both) plus a further $5,500 fine each day the offence continues.
“We all need to follow these rules to save the lives of the people we love. Everyone knows someone whose health is compromised but healthy younger people can get very ill too,” she said.
“We must be even more vigilant in our Shire. One third of our residents are over 60 years old and 4.4 per cent of residents are Aboriginal – they are all in the vulnerable category.
“Don’t take a holiday in the Tweed now or over Easter, and if you know someone who’s planning a trip tell them to think again. Come back and visit our beautiful Shire when the government has declared that this crisis is over. For now, you must stay away.”
For more information on Council’s response to COVID-19, visit