Consultants look further into water supply and water savings options

18 February 2020

One year on, Water Strategies Review asks experts to report on gaps

Council has engaged two consultants to further the work of a community-based Water Review Strategies Project Reference Group (PRG).

The PRG, made up of eight community members and two councillors, has been meeting for the past year to review Council’s work to date across its three water strategies – Drought Management, Demand Management and Water Supply Augmentation.

The reference group has asked Council to engage consultants to investigate further options or complementary options for the augmentation of Tweed’s water supply and a variety of water-saving programs.

Currently Council is working on preparing the Environmental Impact Statement to raise the wall of Clarrie Hall Dam to provide greater water storage as its preferred augmentation option.

At the request of the PRG, Council has engaged Hydrology and Risk Consulting Pty Ltd (HARC) to undertake more investigations of other water supply options to confirm and/or complement the raising of the dam wall.

HARC will look at available groundwater supplies, alternate water sources and alternative storages, the use of recycled water and desalination options.

In reviewing Council’s work to date in reducing the community’s demand for water through water-saving initiatives and behavioural change programs, Hydrosphere Consulting Pty Ltd has been engaged to investigate what works best.

It will look at the effectiveness of incentive programs, such as rewards and rebates; intervention programs, such as fixing of leaks on properties; education programs; pressure management; water reuse; smart metering; pricing; use of bore water in lieu of potable water; storm water harvesting; rain water harvesting; water sensitive urban design; and, any other measures that may help reduce the demand for water in the Tweed.

Both consultants are due to report to the PRG by mid-May.

The PRG is then expected to report to Council on its preferred recommendations for further options to augment the water supply or reduce water use by May 2020.

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Caption: Council has engaged consultants to investigate further or complementary options for the augmentation of Tweed’s water supply and a variety of water-saving programs. Photo of Clarrie Hall Dam: Sally Hinton.

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