Strata complexes urged to set watering systems to comply

23 December 2019

Systems that cannot isolate lawns from gardens must be switched off

Body corporates and managers of strata complexes are urged to ensure any automatic watering systems are set to comply with the current level 2 water restrictions in the Tweed.

For businesses with automatic sprinkler systems, they need to be set to operate for just 30 minutes every second day based on the odds/evens property number system, on garden beds only.

For residential properties, only automatic low flow micro-spray or drip irrigation systems are permitted and need to be set to operate for just 15 minutes every second day, based on the odds/evens property number system, on garden beds only.

“Any automatic watering system that cannot isolate the garden bed from the lawn needs to be switched off as lawn watering is banned,” Manager Water and Wastewater Anthony Burnham said.

“Any automatic watering system that can water garden beds only needs to be set to water after 4pm or before 9am only every second day.

“On the 31st of the month, all automatic watering systems need to be switched off.”

Any resident going away on holidays is asked to switch off their water via the stop tap at the meter before leaving.

“Switching off the water at the stop tap will ensure no water use, even in the event of an undetectable leak or an automatic watering system activating.”

For information on water restrictions and ways to save water, visit

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