Residents advised to shop around for timely water delivery

20 November 2019

Six water carters available to help

Residents needing to cart water to meet their domestic needs have access to six registered water carters in the Tweed and are advised to shop around to get a timely delivery.

In response to reports that residents were waiting up to six weeks for a water delivery, Council has found there is spare capacity in the private water carting fleet and some of the carters can respond more quickly.

“We have also looked at our water extraction points are found they are not being used around the clock so there is also spare capacity for licensed water carting trucks to fill without queuing,” Manager Water and Wastewater Anthony Burnham said.

“We will continue to monitor the situation as the drought bites harder.”

Residents receiving water from water carters are reminded that they need to comply with any water restrictions as they are effectively using the town supply.

“Tyalgum residents receiving water from water carters must comply with Level 4 restrictions, which essentially mean no outdoor use of water.”

For a full list of the restrictions and what they mean, read Council’s Drought Water Restrictions Policy at

Also residents are reminded there are FREE signs and stickers available at Council offices for posting in front yards and on letterboxes in support of the water saving effort and to drive an improved community response to this serious issue.

“We need everyone to pull together to save water and delay restrictions for as long as possible. Current consumption figures indicate we will all be getting water restrictions for Christmas this year,” Mr Burnham said.

The six water carters, in alphabetical order, are:

• C & P Reeve Road Works – contact Christopher Reeve on (02) 6672 4003 or 0408 458 860 or email

• Jaiden Tanner Water Supplies – contact Jaiden Tanner on 0429 408 108 or email

• J & L Wise Water Carrying – contact John Wise on (02) 6677 9469 or 0407 455 741

• Gary Arnold Water Supplies – contact Gary Arnold on (02) 6679 5512 or 0402 713 474 or email

• Glass~A~Water – contact Andrew Glaser on (02) 6672 6654 or email

• Tweed Valley Water Supplies – contact Scott Ousby on (02) 6679 3245 or email

This list can also be found at


Photo 1(JPG, 223KB)

Caption: The upper reaches of the Tweed River showing the effects of the drought. Many rural residents are buying water from water carters as their tank supplies dry up.

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