13 November 2019
Council has started the process required to apply Level 2 Water Restrictions to the Tyalgum Water Supply area.
The water level at the Tyalgum Weir is 700mm below the overflow pipes and falling.
The restrictions limit the use of water outdoors and are aimed at reducing use to 144 litres per person per day. The restrictions apply to all residential and business water customers.
Basically, based on the odd/even house number system, every second day watering the garden is only permitted for 30 minutes with a hand-held hose fitted with an on/off nozzle and irrigation systems are only permitted for 15 minutes.
Watering cans and buckets can be used at any time.
You can wash your car using a bucket or hand-held hose for 10 minutes only between 4pm and 9am. Efficient high-pressure, low-flow rate cleaners with trigger controls are to be used if possible.
Existing pools and spas can be topped-up between 4pm and 9am using a hand-held hose only. They cannot be emptied and refilled.
In accordance with the legislation, Council will advertise the introduction of water restrictions in a local newspaper, the Tweed Valley Weekly, tomorrow and write to all customers connected to the Tyalgum Water Supply.
You can read the full list of Level 2 water restrictions in Council’s Policy – Drought Water Restrictions, available on Council’s website at www.tweed.nsw.gov.au/WaterRestrictions
Photo 1(JPG, 207KB)
Caption: The water level at the Tyalgum Weir is 700mm below the overflow pipes and falling.