Tweed Heads cultural plaza takes shape

08 July 2019

Project includes auditorium upgrade, new plaza and social enterprise cafe

The Tweed Heads Civic Centre is receiving a $1.2 million upgrade that includes an enhanced forecourt area with better accessibility, greater energy efficiency and new equipment for the auditorium, and a social enterprise café jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Fund and Tweed Shire Council.

Work began with a technical upgrade of the Tweed auditorium in January, which included an electrical and lighting upgrade that will improve lighting energy efficiency by almost 80 percent per hour of use, and improvements to the stage to enhance functionality and performance scope.

The auditorium upgrade was completed at the end of March, with work scheduled to begin in late July on the enhanced forecourt, library return chute and reading room, accessible car parking and social enterprise café. All work will be completed by December 2019 (subject to weather conditions).

The works will provide an outdoor plaza with a direct pathway for easier access to the library and auditorium, contemporary landscaping, an improved drop off area, accessible parking, better lighting and a more accessible after hours library book return.

The social enterprise café will be established in the Council administration building to serve barista coffee, tea and snacks. Council will operate this service, which will provide training and employment opportunities for young and older people, people with disabilities and others who need support to enter the workforce.

The plaza between the administration and library/auditorium buildings will become a space for people to gather and relax with a coffee from the cafe.

The Tweed Heads library, auditorium and Council’s offices will remain open during the improvements but there will be some unavoidable disruption to access and revised car parking arrangements (please see attached map).

Tweed Shire Council General Manager, Troy Green, asked people to be patient during these extensive works because, when completed, they would create an attractive and functional community space that would provide better access for everyone.

“These works will not only enable better accessibility to Council’s offices, the library and auditorium, they will provide attractive and functional spaces where people can meet, have a coffee and attend a show at the auditorium,” Mr Green said.

“This will create a wonderful cultural space for both current and future generations of residents and visitors to enjoy.

“Council appreciates the project funding provided by the Australian Government that has enabled us to make this project a reality for our community.”

For updated information about the project and to have your say during the construction period visit


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Caption: Parking arrangements will change at the Tweed Heads Civic Centre from Monday 15 July during the construction of a $1.2 million upgrade.

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