25 January 2019
Do you know a senior who deserves recognition for the great work they do in the community?
Nominations are now open for the NSW Seniors Local Achievement Awards, which provide an opportunity for Members of Parliament and communities to recognise the seniors who help make their community a diverse, active and inspiring place to live.
If you know a senior (over 55 years) who has contributed to their community, please nominate them by completing the Tweed Shire Achievement Award Nomination Form available at www.tweed.nsw.gov.au/SeniorsFestival
Nominations need to be submitted by 5pm on Tuesday 29 January 2019 via email to communityservices@tweed.nsw.gov.au.
Presentation to successful nominees will be made at the opening ceremony of Tweed Shire Seniors Festival to be held on Wednesday 13 February 2019 at 10am at Banora Point Community Centre.
This year’s NSW Seniors Festival runs from Wednesday 13 February to Sunday 24 February.
Check out the Tweed Link in your local free newspaper in the week beginning 4 February for the full Tweed Shire Seniors Week program. You can also subscribe to receive the Tweed Link in your inbox each week at www.tweed.nsw.gov.au/subscribe
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Caption: This year's NSW Seniors Festival runs from Wednesday 13 February to Sunday 24 February.