21 December 2018
The NSW Land & Environment Court today heard an Appeal on the Development Control Order that Council issued on 12 December to Eniflat Pty Ltd in regards to a water extraction business at 477 Urliup Road, Urliup.
The order was issued after Council refused DA18/0910 on 6 December 2018 in accordance with Council’s resolution.
The order sought to have the applicant stop any illegal activity and demolish certain structures that have not received development consent.
The applicant appealed this order on the basis that DA18/0910 (which sought approval for the use of structures and water extraction) is now also under appeal before the NSW Land & Environment Court.
The NSW Land & Environment Court agreed to stay the order until the Court determines the appeal for DA18/0910.
The water extraction DA18/0910 matter is scheduled for hearing on 16, 17, and 18 April 2019.
At the Extraordinary Council Meeting today (21 December 2018) Council resolved to defend the appeal in regard to DA18/0910.