Gallery Foundation to host 30th anniversary dinner
27 July 2018
Tweed Regional Gallery Foundation Ltd. celebrates Gallery’s birthday
Tweed Regional Gallery Foundation Ltd. will host a celebratory fundraising dinner in recognition of the Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre’s 30th Anniversary. The occasion will also launch an ambitious aquisition appeal to mark this milestone.
Gallery Director Susi Muddiman OAM said the Foundation was inviting supporters of the Gallery to attend the special dinner to celebrate the realisation of an art gallery for the Tweed and the remarkable achievements of the many people who transformed a dream into reality.
The Foundation will also be launching a fundraising appeal at the dinner to help secure the most ambitious acquisition in the Gallery’s history. Valued at $110,000, Hallway with kilims 2017-18 is a magnificent artwork by renowned Australian artist Cressida Campbell.
The appeal is off to a tremendous start through a generous pledge by the Foundation of $70,000. Gifts, big or small, will be appreciated with donations of $1,000 or more providing eligibility to become a member of the Foundation. All donations are tax deductible.
Philip Bacon Galleries has generously allowed the Gallery to exhibit the work in their new exhibition Three Decades: celebrating the Tweed Regional Gallery collection on display from Friday 24 August, pending the target of the appeal being reached.
Ms Muddiman says one of the most popular ways to support the Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre is to become a member of the Foundation.
“The Foundation assists the Gallery in developing its collection of works of art and improving the facilities and operations of the Gallery as a legacy for future generations,” she said.
“The Foundation’s aim is to attract and encourage donations, gifts, bequests and other forms of financial assistance for the Gallery, ensuring that the facility continues to provide professional and engaging programs for the enjoyment of patrons.”
The anniversary dinner will be held at the Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre on Saturday 25 August 2018. Pre-dinner canapes and drinks served from 5.30pm in the Margaret Olley Art Centre, followed by a three-course dinner in the Gallery Foyer to be catered by Mavis’ Kitchen.
Tickets are $150 per person, are strictly limited and can be purchased online at
For enquiries about the dinner, the acquisition appeal or becoming a member of the Foundation please contact Susi Muddiman, Gallery Director on (02) 6670 2792 or email
Image credit:
Cressida Campbell
Hallway with kilims, 2017-18
unique woodblock print, 120 x 80cm
Pending gift of the Tweed Regional Gallery Foundation Ltd.
© Cressida Campbell/Licensed by Viscopy, 2018
Photo 1(JPG, 137KB)
Caption: Cressida Campbell, Hallway with kilims, 2017-18, unique woodblock print, 120 x 80cm, Pending gift of the Tweed Regional Gallery Foundation Ltd. © Cressida Campbell/Licensed by Viscopy, 2018