Scientists map aquatic habitat for dam raising

08 June 2018

Field work to understand creek and river flows, fish and frogs

Council consultants will begin to map aquatic habitat in Doon Doon Creek and the Tweed River next week to determine how the raising of Clarrie Hall Dam may impact on fish and other aquatic species.

Scientists from EcoLogical will undertake the field research, both walking and in canoes, to map critical habitat features such as pools and riffles (rocky or shallow part with rough water) and determine the number of species within the impacted waterways and the population of each species.

The field work will be undertaken for several days every season over the next year, starting on Monday 18 June.

Property owners adjoining Doon Doon Creek and the Tweed River downstream of Clarrie Hall Dam are advised they may see a small team of scientists working on and at the water’s edge. The scientists’ schedule is:

Monday 18 June – walk Doon Doon Creek to the start of the Tweed River

Tuesday 19 June – canoe from start of Tweed River to Lange Road bridge

Wednesday 20 June – canoe from Lange Road Bridge to crossing (north of 886 Kyogle Road)

Thursday 21 June – canoe from crossing to Bray Park Weir.

The field work will continue into the night, as the scientists identify and count frog species.

From the field data collected, EcoLogical will attempt to identify measures to mitigate any impact the dam has and, if raised, will have on the aquatic environment. It is hoped measures to improve the present aquatic environment can be found and implemented.

The methodology to be used by the EcoLogical scientists for the Clarrie Hall Dam Environmental Flows Assessment can be found in the Document Library at

The EcoLogical team also would like to learn from local knowledge about the flora and fauna in the creek, or observations of the creek. Residents with information can provide that direct to the Your Say Tweed site or by contacting them via Council on (02) 6670 2400.

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