06 April 2018
Council last night finalised the membership of a project reference group to help identify and assess solutions to protect Bray Park Weir from future tidal inundation.
The group of 12 comprises 10 nominees from the community, plus councillors Mayor Katie Milne and Pryce Allsop.
It is anticipated that the group will meet between four and six times before it can present to Council a preferred option or mix of options to mitigate the risk of saltwater ingress into the Bray Park Weir pool.
Nineteen nominations were received from the community to join the group, with Council expanding the community representation from eight (8) to ten (10) members to accommodate the strong interest in this issue.
The successful community nominees were:
Alternatively, you can register online at https://www.yoursaytweed.com.au/BrayParkWeir to provide direct input to the project team.
The contact details for all Project Reference Group members can be found on the project page on Your Say Tweed.