05 December 2017
For 20 years, Tweed Shire Council has independently printed and distributed the Tweed Link, providing a trusted source of Council and community information. Council would like to advise residents of changes to the Tweed Link which will take effect from January 2018.
Times have changed and independently printing and distributing the Tweed Link for 42,500 households each week, in a growing population, has become unsustainable.
From the week commencing the 15 January 2018, the Tweed Link will now appear in the local free newspapers, the Tweed Daily News (Wednesday community edition) and Tweed Valley Weekly (Thursdays). Together, these newspapers have a combined print run of approximately 45,000 and is complemented by strong online and social media readership and Council email subscription services.
For more information and frequently asked questions about the Tweed Link visit www.tweed.nsw.gov.au/tweedlink