Shirewide planning policy to protect Aboriginal cultural heritage

28 November 2017

Come along to information sessions to learn more

Do you understand your legal obligations in relation to not harming Aboriginal cultural heritage as part of any development or where you might find Aboriginal cultural heritage in the Tweed?

Would you like to know more about the new shirewide planning policy prepared to protect Tweed’s Aboriginal cultural heritage?

Council’s Senior Strategic Planner Robyn Eisermann said there is a long Aboriginal settlement history within the Tweed Shire which is now being more widely recognised and respected both locally and broadly across the State.

“Tweed Shire Council in partnership with the local Tweed Aboriginal community have prepared a draft Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan (ACHMP) which identifies and maps the Aboriginal cultural heritage landscape and provides a framework for the consideration and assessment of Aboriginal cultural heritage as part of all development applications within these mapped locations,” Ms Eisermann said,

“Council has worked closely with the Aboriginal community principally through the Tweed Byron Local Aboriginal Land Council (TBLALC) and the Tweed Aboriginal Advisory Committee on the development of the ACHMP. The management plan reflects the wishes of the Aboriginal community with respect of their cultural heritage.

“The ACHMP is based on current legislation. While this legislation has been in place for some time, it is not widely understood or followed. The management plan seeks to shine a light on these legislative requirements to ensure property owners and people undertaking development have the right information to both understand and meet their legal obligations,” she said.

Council’s website has interactive Aboriginal cultural heritage mapping, the management plan document and a range of fact sheets and information.

Council are currently about half way through the consultation and information sessions. Remaining sessions include:

  • Kingscliff – Kingscliff Bowls Club Wednesday 29 November from 5pm-6.30pm

  • Piggabeen – Piggabeen Hall Tuesday 5 December from 5pm-6.30pm

  • Chillingham – Chillingham Hall Wednesday 6 December from 5pm-6.30pm

“You are welcome and encouraged to attend one of the many information sessions being held throughout the shire over the coming weeks and we look forward to sharing this information with you,” she said.

Information on these sessions is available on the Council’s website at

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