Land for Wildlife sows seeds for sum improvements

17 November 2017

Workshop teaches landholders to budget for tree planting

Effective budgeting for tree planting will be explained at the next instalment of the Land for Wildlife workshop series for Tweed landholders.

“The 9 December workshop will teach participants to put a basic cost to all activities associated with riparian tree planting,” Council’s Project Officer – Biodiversity, Michael Corke, said.

“This workshop will cover most facets of planting. We aim to help participants assign costs to each stage of the process so they can begin to develop an accurate budget for their own planting project.”

The Land for Wildlife workshop series - launched in 2016 and funded by a National Parks and Wildlife Foundation grant with support from Council - help private landholders manage native habitat on their properties.

“The budgeting workshop will be a major asset for landholders considering revegetation works,” Mr Corke said.

“In highly degraded areas devoid of vegetation, landscape rehabilitation is more or less about planting trees.

“A successful planting involves good planning, thorough site preparation, procuring healthy stock and effective site maintenance. An element of luck with the weather also helps.”

The free workshop will be held on a Chillingham property involved in the Rous River Riparian Restoration project, which aims to improve waterway health by restoring native river bank vegetation.

The Rous River Riparian Restoration project is a three-year project managed by Council’s Waterways Project Officer, Matt Bloor, and funded by the NSW Environmental Trust, with additional funding from Council.

“We will discuss tree planting in the context of the project and inspect a recent planting,” Mr Corke said.

“Participants will also roll their sleeves up and plant some trees to augment the existing planting.”

The series will continue in 2018 with workshops on fire and biodiversity and managing waterways.

“Each workshop is designed to help landholders manage the natural heritage assets of their land, to share their experiences and to expand their personal networks,” he said.

Bookings are essential for each workshop by phoning Council’s Contact Centre on

(02) 6670 2400.

Participants in the budgeting for tree planting workshop are required to wear long-sleeved clothing, sturdy boots and a hat. Bring water and something to sit on. Morning tea will be provided. Details of the venue will be provided upon registration.


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Caption: The free tree planting budgeting workshop will be held on a Chillingham property involved in the Rous River Riparian Restoration project, which aims to improve waterway health by restoring native river bank vegetation.

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