Key appointments for Council staff
16 November 2017
Tweed's Natural Resource Management expertise sought by State bodies
Two of Council’s Natural Resource Management Unit staff have been appointed to key advisory roles with State government bodies.
Unit Coordinator Jane Lofthouse is one of seven experts appointed to the newly-established NSW Coastal Council under the Coastal Management Act 2016. The panel's role is to provide expert advice to the Minister administering the Act and to local councils in developing coastal management programs. The Minister may also request advice to public authorities on coastal management issues.
Jane was selected for her expertise in local government and coastal management. She has been one of three Local Government NSW representatives on the NSW Coastal Panel since its inception in 2011, and the only representative employed by a local government authority.
Council General Manager Troy Green congratulated Jane, who he said was a valued and respected Council representative, both internally at Council and within the wider community and her industry peers.
“Jane is a highly articulate and knowledgeable spokesperson and advocate for Council and the community on coastal zone management issues,” Mr Green said.
“Over the past 21 years, her role at council has evolved to encompass projects and programs across the spectrum of coastal zone management issues, including stormwater quality, water quality, estuarine and terrestrial habitat protection and rehabilitation, land use planning, community awareness and engagement, recreational facilities and their impacts on coasts and estuaries, and significantly, the processes and planning for major coastal protection works and sand nourishment at Kingscliff.”
Project Officer - Biodiversity, Michael Corke, has also been accepted as the Local Government NSW representative on the NSW Environmental Trust’s Environmental Education Technical Subcommittee - Government Stream.
The subcommittee’s key role is to assess applications for the Trust’s annual Environmental Education Grant (Local Government) Program. The program supports educational projects or programs that develop or widen the community's knowledge of, skills in, and commitment to, protecting the environment and promoting sustainable behaviour.
“Michael’s extensive experience in leading restoration and rehabilitation projects are among the reasons for his selection. He has demonstrated experience in successful projects on the ground and is particularly knowledgeable in connecting landscapes,” Mr Green said.
“Jane and Michael’s appointments are an indication of the depth of expertise in Council’s Natural Resource Management team and the value and respect shown for the work we do here in Tweed Shire. Well done to them both.”
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Caption: Unit Coordinator Natural Resource Management Jane Lofthouse and Project Officer - Biodiversity, Michael Corke