Tyalgum leaders on deck for improved park opening

28 August 2017

Skateboarding workshops and demonstrations will be leading attractions when the upgraded Tyalgum Memorial Park and its new skate park are officially opened on Saturday 2 September.

The community event, to be held from 10am to 2pm, will also feature circus activities, a free barbecue and stalls.

A ceremony at 10.30am will formally open the park.

The $200,000 upgrade was a joint project of Council and the Tyalgum Community Consultative Group, with funding from the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Program.

For more information, phone Council’s Community Development Officer – Youth, Sylvia Roylance, on (02) 6670 2400.


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Caption: Preparing for a public celebration to officially open the Tyalgum village’s upgraded Memorial Park and new skate park … Tyalgum Community Consultative Group members Mic Julien (left) and Finola Horlin (right), with Council’s Coordinator Waste Management, Rod Dawson, and Community Development Officer – Families and Youth, Sylvia Roylance.

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