21 August 2017
An Extraordinary Meeting will be held today to consider a Mayoral Minute from Councillor Katie Milne about clearing and earthworks associated with the Gold Coast Airport.
The recommendation in the Mayoral Minute is:
That Council:
1. Writes to the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport - the Hon. Mr Darren Chester and the NSW Minister for the Environment - the Hon. Ms Gabrielle Upton, to express Council's serious concerns regarding the clearing and earthworks associated with the Instrument Landing System at the Gold Coast Airport on the NSW Crown Reserve, over and above the footprint for the stated siting of the localiser antennae from Runway 14 and calling for an immediate halt to the works and a full inquiry into the processes of the matter.
2. Requests a response to be provided as a matter of urgency due to the significant environmental impacts currently occurring from the works on Endangered Ecological Communities, the drainage channel and the wetland areas that are vital to the whole ecosystem functioning of the Cobaki Broadwater and Class 1 Fishery habitats
The meeting will be held at the Murwillumbah Council Chambers, commencing at 11am.