Bar staff challenge drinkers: What’s your Plan B?
07 July 2017
Pubs and clubs join campaign to stop drink-driving
Pubs and clubs around the shire have joined with Council to promote the What’s Your Plan B campaign from behind the bar.
They are challenging drinkers to think about their Plan B before they drink.
If you’re having a few drinks, driving is not an option. There are plenty of Plan B answers to get you safely home. They are practical and easily implemented: and they cost a lot less than the alternative of driving under the influence and risking a crash.
As a driver’s blood-alcohol concentration rises, so does the risk of being involved in a crash:
- 0.05 = double the risk
- 0.08 = 7 times the risk
- 0.15 = 25 times the risk.
Drink-driving is one of the biggest killers on our roads, with 23 per cent of fatal crashes and 10 per cent of injury crashes in the Tweed involving a driver with a blood-alcohol concentration over 0.5.
“We don’t want people to drink and drive because of the crash risk to themselves and other road users,” Council Road Safety Officer Alana Brooks said. “There are plenty of Plan Bs to get you home safely: call a cab or Uber; stay at a mate’s place; have a designated sober driver; or, catch your venue’s courtesy bus.
So, the question is: What’s your Plan B? It’s the answer you need for the road and could be as easy as look for a venue that provides a courtesy bus service. You can find them on line at
The campaign is sponsored by Transport for NSW as part of the Local Government Road Safety Program
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Caption: Workers at the Murwillumbah Golf Club, from left, Joe Chilcott, Chris Dean, Mary Atkinson and Natasha Bolden promote the What’s your Plan B message. For club patrons, the answer could be ‘catch the club’s courtesy bus’.