First milestone approaching for Tweed Library upgrade

06 June 2017

Tweed auditorium set to reopen at the end of this month

A first milestone of the Tweed Heads Library upgrade is nearing completion, with finishing touches being made to the main entrance foyer for a reopening of the auditorium at the end of this month.

A new accessible toilet, upgrades to the existing toilets and improvements to the kitchen area are expected to be finished during the next few days, complementing a new all-access ramp built to the foyer entrance.

“The reopening of the auditorium had been pushed back a number of weeks because of unforeseen issues with renovating the library building,” Council’s Director Community and Natural Resources, Tracey Stinson, said.

“While this has required a number of additional steps with the building, Council has been liaising closely with auditorium users to arrange alternative venues. However, we appreciate the inconvenience this has caused for a number of events. From July, it will be business as usual for community access to the auditorium.

“We have made the most of the delay by using the time to rewire the building, so a more customer-friendly electronic booking system for library users will be up and running in time for the library reopening.”

Ms Stinson said work in the rest of the library site was also progressing steadily now, so overall completion of the refurbishment should only be pushed back by a short period.

Construction work is scheduled to be completed in September and the facility should be open to the public in December, once shelving, furniture, and library resources are moved back into the building.

“It’s exciting to now see it all taking shape, to provide a more modern and functional facility that will better service the needs of our community,” she said.

“We apologise for any added inconvenience caused by the delays and we really appreciate patrons’ understanding and cooperation during the refurbishment.

“In the meantime, Richmond Tweed Regional Library staff and the temporary library facilities are doing a wonderful job providing ongoing library activities and resources.

“It’s great to see the number of people using the temporary facilities at the Tweed Heads Civic and Cultural Centre and the Tweed Heads South Community Centre. They include the expanded mobile library service to the Tweed Heads Civic Centre, the computer and periodicals reading room at Council’s Tweed Heads Administration Centre and Baby Bounce and Story Time activities at the Tweed Heads South Community Centre.

“They will all continue throughout the refurbishment project,” Ms Stinson said.

Further information about the library upgrade, the temporary sites and ongoing services, visit

Inside the Tweed Heads Library as work on the refurbishment continues steadily.


Photo 1(JPG, 88KB)

Caption: Final improvements are being made to the main foyer, including improved toilet facilities and a refurbished kitchen, before the Tweed Heads auditorium is reopened at the end of this month.

Photo 2(JPG, 81KB)

Caption: Inside the Tweed Heads Library as work on the refurbishment continues steadily.

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