Road damage bill $20m with 1200 repairs identified

21 April 2017

Fixing slips and washouts a priority

Council has identified 1200 works items across the shire’s road network that need to be repaired or remediated following the flood of 1 April. The estimated damages bill to date is approaching $20 million.

Council is on track to have a temporary one-lane timber bridge across Byrrill Creek by mid May to replace the bridge washed away until a permanent bridge can be designed, funded and constructed.

Last week Council crews and contractors were working on priority landslips and washouts on roads including: Tyalgum Creek, Lone Pine, Rowlands Creek, Hopkins Creek, Urliup, Numinbah, Glencoe, Nobbys Creek and Kyogle roads and Tweed Valley Way.

By the end of the week they were expected to also have started work on bypassing the missing section of Manns Road; fixing the scours and table drains of Commissioners Creek Road; removing large tree debris from Byrrill Creek and Upper Burringbar roads to allow the rubbish truck access; removing silt from Tweed Valley Way and Kyogle Road; and, unblocking a causeway on Urliup Road.

Council is working to schedule a restart to the Blackspot Programme of realigning a section of Clothiers Creek Road and picking up the work it had started on Moolau Avenue, Tweed Heads, prior to the flood.


Photo 1(JPG, 262KB)

Caption: Council has negotiated to push a track through private property to skirt this damage to Manns Road at Rowlands Creek.

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