Boiled water alert for village of Uki

31 March 2017

Possible water contamination in local supply

Recent heavy rain has made the Uki drinking water supply untreatable. Uki has its own water treatment plant and this water may have become contaminated.

Residents are advised that water used for drinking or food preparation should be brought to a rolling boil. Water should then be allowed to cool and stored in a clean container with a lid and refrigerated.

If you are unable to boil the water, household bleach can be used to kill disease causing organisms in the water. Add 10 drops of 1 per cent chlorine bleach per litre of water and let it stand for 30 minutes. If you cannot smell chlorine after that time, add another 10 drops.

Bottled or cool boiled water or bleached water should be used for drinking, preparing food, making ice, pet’s drinking water, cleaning teeth and gargling.

Dishes should be washed in hot soapy water or in a dishwasher. Children should take bottled or cool boiled water or bleached water to school.

Tweed Shire Council is working to fix the problem and bring in alternative water via a tanker or bottled water.

This advice should be followed until further notice.

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