Planting day to improve Cudgen soil conservation

28 November 2016

Community invited to help plant 1000 natives

A community planting day will be held on Saturday 10 December to complete a project to restore and protect waterways and valuable topsoil on the Cudgen plateau.

Residents are invited to be part of the tree planting morning, from 9am, as the final leg of the Restoring the Waterways of the Cudgen Plateau project to plant more than 8000 trees, shrubs and groundcovers.

Council secured funding for the project from the NSW Environmental Trust late last year and has been working with six landholders on the plateau to minimise the loss of valuable topsoil from farms, improve aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity and connectivity and improve water quality in the local stream and Cudgen Creek.

Next month’s planting day will complete the project and is being hosted by progressive Cudgen farmer Rob Prichard and Council.

“With the help of bush regeneration contractor Basically Bushland Restoration, we’re hoping to plant 1000 rainforest trees, shrubs and groundcovers to capture sediment from the farm and provide habitat for beneficial insects and other fauna,” Council’s Program Leader – Sustainable Agriculture, Eli Szandala, said.

“Much of the plateau is highly modified by traditional farming practices and devoid of native vegetation, so it is great to see young farmers such as Rob looking to improve soil conservation and biodiversity on their farms.”

Mayor of Tweed, Councillor Katie Milne, encouraged local farmers and the whole community to get involved in this important project.

"The Cudgen Plateau is classified as State Significant Farmland due to its rich red soils. Keeping these soils healthy and intact is vital to maintaining the richness of this special landscape and assist our valuable farming community,” Cr Milne said.

Council staff and bushland regenerators will be providing advice for local farmers and landholders on how to improve biodiversity and soil conservation practices on their properties. Information and demonstrations on effective weed control will also be available.

Council will also be gauging public interest in forming a Cudgen Plateau Landcare group for the planting site and other possible planting sites across the plateau, to continue restoration efforts once the current project concludes in August 2017.

Signs will direct participants to the planting site at 482 Cudgen Road, 1.5 km south of Cudgen village, and parking will be available along Cudgen Road. However, participants and motorists should take extra care on the roads during this time.

Holes for the plantings will already be dug and participants are advised to bring drinking water, gloves, sun-safe clothes and covered footwear.

The site has been registered on the National Tree Day website. See for more details.

Contact Council’s Project Officer – Biodiversity, Aiden Sloman, on (02) 66702648 or for more information (RSVPs not essential but welcome).


Photo 1(JPG, 145KB)

Caption: Residents are invited to be part of the tree planting morning on 10 December as the final leg of the Restoring the Waterways of the Cudgen Plateau project

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