Elanora Avenue in Pottsville closed for a week

26 September 2016

Flood prevention works as part of major upgrade

A section of Elanora Avenue in Pottsville will be closed for approximately one week from Wednesday 28 September as Council continues major upgrades to the drainage and stormwater system.

Local residents of the section between Boronia Avenue and Seabrae Court will be allowed entry to their residences via Elanora Avenue; however the majority of traffic will be encouraged to stay on Tweed Coast Road.

“This is an important project for Council and aims to increase the stormwater drainage capacity to minimise the chance of property damage from flooding on Elanora Avenue and surrounding areas,” Construction Engineer Cameron Maxwell said.

“The closure is to allow for new stormwater drainage pipes to be installed beneath Elanora Avenue.”

Council began the drainage upgrade in late April to provide a pathway for surface water to escape the low-lying area when it rains.

Progress from Cudgera Creek, through North Pottsville Holiday Park, to Tweed Coast Road has been slower than expected due to the multitude of underground services along the same route.

Significant progress has now been made on the project including the resurfacing and new kerb and guttering of Boronia Avenue and new stormwater drainage pipes installed from Cudgera Creek, through North Pottsville Holiday Park (Frangipani Avenue), and across Tweed Coast Road.

Council apologises for any inconvenience this road closure may cause.

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