What do you love about Kingscliff?

07 September 2016

Write a 'love letter' to contribute to public art ideas

Members of the Kingscliff community have their chance this Saturday to share what they love about their town to help inspire ideas for local public art.

Council has confirmed funding for two new public artworks in Murwillumbah and Kingscliff and is asking community members to share the themes they would like reflected in these works by writing a ‘love letter’ to their town.

The community is invited to comment by completing a two-minute survey at yoursaytweed.com.au/town-centre-public-artworks, or by coming down to the Kingscliff Markets this Saturday 10 September and meeting the distinctive Valentines professional love letter writing service, that will help write and post a love letter to your town.

“We’ve had a great response to this project at Murwillumbah, now it’s Kingscliff’s turn to share what you love about your town,” the project’s manager, Judith Evans, said.

“We want to celebrate the community’s passion for the place and their vision for the future.”

“These artworks will be located at entry points to our towns - we want them to be vibrant gateways that local people are proud of.

Mayor of Tweed, Katie Milne said “We had a huge outpouring of love for Murwillumbah, thanks to everyone who contributed.

“Now it’s the once in a lifetime opportunity to have what you love about the Tweed Coast immortalized.

“We are hoping to catch everyone's favourite things - favourite places, favourite views, favourite activities, favourite wildlife, favourite smells, whatever draws you to this beautiful coast.”

The proposed areas for the installation of public art are Tweed Valley Way and Alma Street roundabout at Murwillumbah and Kingscliff’s freeway underpass on Wommin Bay Road.

Feel the love with the Valentines and give your feedback at:

  • Kingscliff Market, Saturday 10 September from 10am - noon

Local artists are encouraged to contribute towards the project and Council will soon be calling for Expressions of Interest from artists to bring these ideas to life through public art.


Photo 1(JPG, 160KB)

Caption: Valentines 'love letter' service in action at the recent Banana Festival at Murwillumbah

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