Local government election in Tweed will be on Saturday 29 October

24 August 2016

New election date follows death of a candidate

Voters in Tweed will go to the polls for the local government election on Saturday 29 October 2016.

A new date had to be chosen after the previous election – scheduled for 10 September – failed following the death of candidate Ken Nicholson last Friday.

Under the Local Government Act (Section 309), “if a candidate dies between noon on nomination day and 6pm on election day, the election fails and a new election in that council area or ward will be held at a later date”.

The planned Constitutional Referendum on councillor numbers in the Tweed will also be held on 29 October.

Other effects of the change of election dates are:

  • Following the rescheduling of the election, there will be a Mayoral election on 15 September 2016 and again at the first meeting of the new Council in early November.

  • The NSW Electoral Commission, who is conducting the election on behalf of Council, is waiting on formal advice from the Crown Solicitor’s Office in relation to the mechanics of the election, including candidate renomination and ballot draw.

  • Council is also waiting advice from the Office of Local Government in relation to the caretaker period that precedes the election.

  • The deadline for Expressions of Interest for community members who would like to serve on a number of Council committees for the next four years has been extended to Friday, 11 November. For more information, see www.tweed.nsw.gov.au/Committees

Many councils across the State will go to the polls on 10 September, while others affected by amalgamations will have their elections delayed until next year.

For more information on local government elections, visit www.votensw.info

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