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23 March 2023

Why let your cat roam when they can rule the roost at home?

36 Tweed residents to be awarded support to keep their cats safe at home

Cat net
Cat owners are encouraged to fill in an expression of interest form to be eligible for one of 36 vouchers, valued at $500 each, to help keep their cat safely contained at home. (Image credit: Catnet)

Council is offering cat owners in the Tweed a chance to help transform their homes into a cat haven as part of a program to encourage those who have a cat in their lives to keep them safe from harm – at home.

A total of 36 vouchers, valued at $500 each, are up for grabs for eligible cat owners who complete an expression of interest form. Cat owners are being asked to describe why they are keen to keep their cat at home as well as other questions on how they plan to transition their pet from free roaming to stay-at-home.

Tweed Shire Council has partnered with RSPCA NSW on its Keeping Cats Safe at Home campaign about loving cats, celebrating the people who love their cats and motivating cat lovers to keep their feline companions safe and fulfilled.

A survey of cat owners undertaken in the Tweed Shire in 2021 found some people required support to set up a safe home environment for their cats.

Council’s Program Leader - Pest Management & Wildlife Protection Pam Gray said keeping a cat at home had many benefits for both the cat owner and their furry friend.

“The evidence is clear - indoor cats live longer, healthier lives if they don't roam away from home,” Ms Gray said.

“This is because they’re protected from dangers such as traffic, fights with other animals, and exposure to diseases. You will also get to spend more quality time with your cat and help to protect wildlife in the Tweed and our beautiful environment for future generations.

“We know this is an important issue in the Tweed Shire and we want to support cat owners to keep their cats at home. With the funding available, 36 cat owners will be able to buy what they need to make the transition.”

Cat owners who are in need of support to transition their cats from roaming to home-based, are encouraged to submit an expression of interest form. This will put them in the running for a $500 voucher from Catnets, who specialise in cat havens and cat enrichment products.

Complete the expression of interest form online in 5 easy steps before midnight on Sunday 21 May 2023. For terms and conditions and to apply online visit tweed.nsw.gov.au/cats.

Tweed is one of just 11 councils selected to participate in the Keeping Cats Safe at Home project initiative as part of a state-wide project to protect cats and native wildlife in NSW. The project is funded by a $2.5 million grant from the NSW Environmental Trust.

Specially-designed cat runs help prevent cats from roaming, ensuring they remain safe at home. (Image credit: Catnet)


Photo 1: Cat net
Caption: Cat owners are encouraged to fill in an expression of interest form to be eligible for one of 36 vouchers, valued at $500 each, to help keep their cat safely contained at home. (Image credit: Catnet)

Photo 1: Cat run
Caption: Specially-designed cat runs help prevent cats from roaming, ensuring they remain safe at home. (Image credit: Catnet)

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