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27 September 2022

Tweed River water quality, fish health major concern

Testing shows detrimental effects of acid sulfate soil runoff

Red spot fish

Fish recently caught in the Tweed River by a local commercial fisherman are showing symptoms of red spot disease.

Tweed Shire Council is urging Tweed River floodplain landowners to seek Council assistance in projects that can improve water quality, after recent testing detected acid-affected water in the river and red spot disease in local fish.

Council is also calling on the NSW Government to make the investment and policy decisions required to lead our communities towards improved river health and support local government on complex floodplain management issues.

Recent testing has indicated acid sulfate soil (ASS)-related runoff from floodplain drains is affecting water quality in the Tweed River, with indications this is severely impacting fish health.

Since mid-August, water samples collected from the Tweed River at Murwillumbah have shown pH values (a measure of acidity) as low as 4.9, where a healthy range is around 7.1. Samples of water from drains running into the river have shown pH results as low as 4.3.

Council’s waterways program leader Tom Alletson said these results confirm the input of poor water quality from the floodplain and the effects of acid sulfate soils.

“Acid sulfate soils are a naturally occurring soil type, however when exposed to oxygen, minerals within the soils produce sulfuric acid,” Mr Alletson said.

“Water in drains affected by acid sulfate soils can become very acidic. When this water flows into the river, it can have serious impacts on aquatic life, including fish kills.

“On at least one occasion recently, the entire river around Murwillumbah was displaying a distinct clear greenish colour and a pH of 4.9, characteristics of acid sulfate run-off.

“Long term discharge of acid sulfate soil runoff can have impacts on fish activity and breeding. Fish will avoid areas of very poor water quality, and it can affect their eggs, juvenile survival, and prey organisms.

“Even when acidic water is tolerable for adult fish, it can have the affect of making them more vulnerable to a disease called red spot. This is a fungal infection that attacks fish when poor water quality affects their skin.”

Recent reports to Council from a local commercial fisherman highlighted an increase of red spot disease affecting fish locally.

Over the past 30 years, Council, universities and NSW Government agencies have worked in close collaboration with local farmers on projects such as flood gate management, field laser levelling and drain shallowing, resulting in less risk of major fish kills occurring. This is part of Council’s commitment to work together to reduce our impact on the natural environment for a sustainable future.

“What these recent water quality and fish health results show, is that we cannot ease up on our efforts to improve ASS management on the Tweed floodplain,” Mr Alletson said.

“We know the NSW Government has a broader view of ASS management in the Northern Rivers region. Through the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy, the NSW Government is working across local government boundaries and with relevant industry associations, using the best science available, to plot a new course for protection of river-dependent ecosystems and industries.

“A significant body of scientific work has been completed and we are awaiting its release and implementation, so we can prevent the types of water quality and fish health impacts being observed in the Tweed River today.”

Council has completed a management plan for the Tweed River estuary and is currently awaiting its certification by the NSW Minister for Local Government.

Find out more about the how Council manages and looks after the Tweed River at tweed.nsw.gov.au/rivers-creeks.

Tweed River acidic water

The distinct clear greenish colour of acid sulfate soil-affected water as seen in a floodplain drain.


Photo 1: Red Spot fish
Caption: Fish recently caught in the Tweed River by a local commercial fisherman are showing symptoms of red spot disease.

Photo 2: Tweed River acidic water
Caption: The distinct clear greenish colour of acid sulfate soil-affected water as seen in a floodplain drain.

Connection to Council’s Community Strategic Plan:

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We wish to recognise the generations of the local Aboriginal people of the Bundjalung Nation who have lived in and derived their physical and spiritual needs from these forests, rivers, lakes and streams over many thousands of years as the traditional custodians of these lands.
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