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26 August 2022

Bogangar unit proponent lodges request for review of refusal

Opportunity for public to comment on development application review

Harvard Room at Tweed Heads

An Extraordinary Meeting to determine a review of a recent Planning Committee decision will be held on the evening of Monday 12 September.

Mayor of Tweed Chris Cherry

The proponent of a development application at Bogangar which was refused at the 4 August 2022 Planning Committee has requested a review of the Council determination.

The applicant is seeking approval for a 38-lot strata subdivision at Lot 12 DP 1273396, 41 Tweed Coast Road at Bogangar.

A section 8.2 determination review under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act was lodged on the NSW planning Portal yesterday (Thursday 25 August).

Council is required to give 14 days’ notice of the review in line with its obligations under the regulations and letters are being sent to neighbouring properties.

The 14-day consultation concludes on Friday 9 September, with an Extraordinary Meeting to follow on the evening of Monday 12 September.

The development application can be viewed on Council’s DA Tracker.

Submissions in writing are welcome through the exhibition period.

Mayor of Tweed Shire Chris Cherry said it was important the issue was resolved as soon as possible to provide certainty for the 38 unit owners who had had their contracts terminated.

“Council is pleased to learn that the proponent is working to reinstate all previous purchasers’ contracts and we thank the proponent for this,” Cr Cherry said.


Photo 1: Harvard Room at Tweed Heads
Caption: An Extraordinary Meeting to determine a review of a recent Planning Committee decision will be held on the evening of Monday 12 September.


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