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14 July 2022

Help shape the future of events in the Tweed

Join our Community Conversation to discuss your views in person

Kingscliff Farmers Market

What events would you like to see in the Tweed? Have your say by joining in our Community Conversation in person or online via Council's Your Say Tweed page.

From arts and culture to music, sport and food events, Council is seeking community input into what type of events should be staged in the Tweed.

Council has drafted a new Events Strategy that aims to generate and enhance community lifestyle by attracting the right type of events that support the Tweed’s economy and align with community values.

Council is now seeking feedback from residents and guests on the draft Tweed Events Strategy 2022-2026. Community feedback from surveys, interviews and stakeholder groups was gathered in January 2022 and has been used to develop this draft.

A special Community Conversation will be hosted by Council at Murwillumbah Services Club on Wednesday 20 July to give residents an opportunity to provide in-person feedback on the strategy.

Council’s Events Officer Kerrie McConnell said the intended outcome from the strategy was not to increase the number of visitors who visit the Tweed.

“Instead, we want to attract high value, low impact guests who support and respect the Tweed and to leverage events for positive outcomes for the Tweed community,” Ms McConnell said.

“It’s all about attracting the right type of events, at the right time of year, that support our economy and align with our community values.

“Events enhance our community lifestyle and create a clear identity for the Tweed in the minds of residents and visitors. It’s all about building a vibrant community and making the Tweed an even better place to live and visit.

“The initial round of consultation gave us really good insight into what we value as a community, now we need your input again to help us finalise the strategy.

“The draft document is now on public exhibition so everyone has another opportunity to have their say. We will also be hosting a Community Conversation to offer people an opportunity to provide in-person feedback on Wednesday 20 July 2022.”

Earlier this year we heard from more than 80 community members and sat down with key industry stakeholders who shared their ideas including:

  • Community members are interested in events based on food, arts, culture and music, and somewhat interested in participatory sporting events

  • There is little interest in major sporting competitions

  • Parking and traffic congestion are the biggest event-related frustrations for residents

  • Council (all departments) needs to be more event -friendly and make it easier for events to take place.

Whether you support the draft or have constructive feedback, we want to hear from you.

Join us at the Community Conversation on Wednesday 20 July from 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm at Murwillumbah Services Club. Registrations are essential, please register for the event here.

Visit yoursaytweed.com.au to to learn more about the draft strategy and have your say by 27 July 2022.


Photo 1: Kingscliff Farmers Market
Caption: What events would you like to see in the Tweed? Have your say by joining in our Community Conversation in person or online via Council's Your Say Tweed page.

Connection to Council’s Community Strategic Plan:

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