Expressions of interest are being sought from residents interested in joining one of 6 advisory committees which provide advice and recommendations to Council.
Suitably experienced community members are called for and appointed every 4 years, for the term of Council. Due to the delayed local government elections in 2021, this term has been reduced to 2 years and 8 months.
Mayor of Tweed Chris Cherry said the Advisory Committees play a vital role in Council’s decision making.
“Councillors really value the advice and recommendations we receive from Advisory Committees,” Cr Cherry said.
“It is crucial that we listen to a range of opinions and perspectives when making decisions that affect the community. Advisory Committees provide us with their considered advice and recommendations based on their knowledge and expertise in the relevant topic – it is an essential part of our consultation process and helps us make better decisions in the best interests of the Tweed.”
Cr Cherry thanked members who served on Council’s Advisory Committees over the last term for their participation.
“We thank members for their contribution and now invite expressions of interest from suitably experienced people to join one of our advisory committees for this current Council term,” she said.
Advisory Committees open for expressions of interest include:
Equal Access Advisory Committee: provides advice and recommendations on community and organisational perspectives relating to access and inclusion across a range of Council projects.
Floodplain Management Advisory Committee: advises Council on the development and implementation of the NSW floodplain risk management process across the various catchments within the Tweed Shire.
Tweed Coast Koala Advisory Committee: aims to ensure broad community representation and inter-agency involvement in the implementation of the Tweed Coast Koala Plan of Management (KPOM).
Tweed Coast and Waterways Advisory Committee: provides advice and recommendations on ecological health, coastal hazard risk and recreational use of the Tweed Coast and waterways with a focus on integrated management and promoting cooperation between community, government and industry.
Tweed Regional Gallery Advisory Committee: assists and advises Council in matters relating to the review and updating of the Gallery's policies and plans.
Tweed Regional Museum Advisory Committee: advises Council on all matters relating to the development, management, care, control, funding, policies and possible and future developments and management of Tweed Regional Museum.
Expressions of interest close on Wednesday 15 June 2022.
To learn more and register your interest in participating in one of these committees,
Separate Expressions of Interest processes will open in due course for Management Committees to advise Council on a range of programs.
Photo 1: Tweed Coast koala
Caption: Residents are encouraged to apply to join one of six Council Advisory Committees, including the Tweed Coast Koala Advisory Committee, for the duration of the new Council term.
We inform, educate and engage with the Tweed community so we make decisions in your best interest.
© Tweed Shire Council Web: Email: Phone: 02 6670 2136
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