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Media release

13 April 2022

Tweed Shire Council

Flood appeal gets $20,000 donation boost from film company

Tweed Mayor thanks makers of I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!

I'm a Celebrity
Filmed at a secret location in the Tweed since 2003, the makers of hit reality TV Show I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! have kindly donated $20,000 towards the Together Tweed Mayoral Flood Appeal 2022.
Mayor of Tweed Chris Cherry

The makers of popular British reality TV series I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! have shown their support for the Tweed, donating $20,000 towards the Together Tweed Mayoral Flood Appeal 2022.

The generous donation was made by production house ITV Studios late last week, boosting the amount donated to the Appeal.

The flood appeal seeks to raise funds to offer affected Tweed communities immediate help, support recovery efforts and resilience to future flood events and contribute to addressing significant long-term issues such as housing.

Mayor of Tweed Chris Cherry paid tribute to ITV, which has filmed the hit British and German shows at a secret location in the Tweed since 2003, for their extremely kind donation to the local community’s recovery efforts.

“The community is slowly picking up the pieces with the flood debris collection nearly done and our attention now turning to the longer term recovery effort,” Cr Cherry said.

“ITV’s incredibly generous donation will go a long way towards helping our families both recover from this flood event and be more ready for the next one. Thank you again for your heartfelt generosity at a time when we need it most.

“It is acts of kindness like this that support the people of the Tweed to recover from this dreadful disaster.”

The February 2022 flood was the biggest in the Tweed’s recorded history. Many areas recorded unprecedented river levels and the damage bill is set to double that of the devastating 2017 flood event.

While local residents and businesses have received assistance from the Federal and NSW Government’s Natural Disaster Declarations, many people in the Tweed have been significantly affected and need extensive support to get back on their feet.

Council is aiming to raise at least $40,000, with monies to be equally distributed between the Murwillumbah Community Centre for the purchase of a new bus, and vital communications equipment for isolated communities in the Tweed. Once this $40,000 target is met, the balance of funds will go to The Family Centre, the Northern Rivers Community Foundation (NRCF) and local units of the NSW State Emergency Service (SES).

The Family Centre will use the funds to support children, families and young people impacted by the floods. The NRCF will award grants to help community organisations work in the early, medium and long term phases of the flood recovery. And the SES will use the funds to recruit, train and develop volunteers for local units to build its capacity to respond to future emergencies.

To donate to the Together Tweed Mayoral Flood Appeal 2022, please make a direct transfer to:

Name:             TSC Mayors Appeal Fund
BSB:               062-580
Account:        10370281

For more information visit tweed.nsw.gov.au/mayoral-flood-appeal.

ADF in Murwillumbah
Australian Defence Force troops help with the clean-up in the streets of Murwillumbah after the February 2022 flood devastated much of the Tweed.    Photo credit ADF.


Photo 1: I'm A Celebrity logo

Caption: Filmed at a secret location in the Tweed since 2003, the makers of hit reality TV Show I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! have kindly donated $20,000 towards the Together Tweed Mayoral Flood Appeal 2022.

Photo 2: ADF help with clean-up in Murwillumbah

Caption: Australian Defence Force troops help with the clean-up in the streets of Murwillumbah after the February 2022 flood devastated much of the Tweed.    Photo credit ADF.

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