Stay off beaches, out of waterways and avoid sewer overflows

10 March 2025

Hastings Point TC Alfred 6 March 2025 38595_resized.jpg

Tropical Cyclone Alfred has caused significant damage to the coastline, with serious dune erosion and hazards at Tweed’s beaches. This is the worst beach damage we've seen in a long time and we are faced with a big task ahead to repair the erosion.

Residents and visitors are strongly urged to stay off the beaches, out of waterways and avoid any sewer overflows until further notice.

For your safety, please:

  • Stay away from beaches and coastal areas. Conditions are still dangerous and beach erosion cliffs are highly unstable. These cliffs could collapse at any time, causing serious injury of death if someone were trapped and buried.
  • Stay off ocean break walls, these structures can be unstable and pose significant risks.
  • Avoid swimming or wading in waterways, as floodwaters can contain hidden dangers, debris, and contaminants.
  • Stay out of flood waters.  Don’t play in the water. Floodwaters are contaminated with many harmful substances, including deceased animals, sewage, fuel, chemicals, and pesticides, all of which can make you very ill.
  • Stay clear of sewer overflows. These are hazardous to health and should be avoided at all costs.
  • Avoid touching or swimming in seafoam, as it can hide underwater rocks, making it difficult to spot hidden dangers.
  • Keep dogs away from the water, as the conditions are hazardous for pets too.

We are working hard to assess and begin repairs, but please be aware that conditions remain unsafe and the damage to our beaches is significant. Look out for one another, follow all safety warning and protect yourself from the dangerous conditions in and around the water.

Visit the Tweed Emergency Dashboard to stay informed and read more about our coast and waterways.