Find out about candidates before casting your vote

26 November 2021

Polling place

Residents who’ve decided to cast their vote early at a pre-polling venue in the Tweed might have noticed things are a bit different this year.

As part of its COVID-safe plan, the NSW Electoral Commission is restricting the distribution of electoral material within 100m of polling booths, including at pre-poll.

In practical terms, this means the volunteers supporting the various candidate teams are not able to hand out How to Vote cards at polling stations as traditionally occurs at elections.

If you would like copies of 'how to vote' cards, the material has also been registered with the NSW Electoral Commission and is available on its website.

Voting is compulsory in local government elections. This year, any person who is enrolled to vote may vote via pre-poll, with 5 pre-polling stations open across the Tweed from 9 am to 5 pm every day (except Sunday 28 November) until the election on Saturday 4 December.

For further information, visit the NSW Electoral Commission at or phone 1300 135 736.

More information is also available on Council's election webpage.

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