08 November 2024
Thank you to everyone who made a submission to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure on Council’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on raising Clarrie Hall Dam.
The department received 22 submissions. To support the community, we developed and widely promoted a guide to the EIS, and held 5 well-attended community information sessions in-person and online.
A response-to-submissions report is being prepared and the department will consider this before making a recommendation to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, who will determine whether our proposal to raise the dam can go ahead and what conditions would apply.
If the Minister determines the project can proceed, the elected Council would consider consultant recommendations and the Minister’s determination, and decide whether or not to proceed. If Council decides to proceed, business case planning for detailed design and construction would be undertaken, and approvals and licences for construction finalised.
For more information about the proposal, visit the Raising Clarrie Hall Dam page on Your Say Tweed.