Watch out for hazards at the beach

20 March 2025

Watch out for hazards at beaches - general news article.jpg

Tweed residents and visitors should be cautious at the beach after ex-Cyclone Alfred. Hidden dangers like logs and other debris may still be in the water and heavy rainfall can impact water quality.

For your safety, please:

  • Be cautious at the beach and coastal areas. Watch out for large logs, fallen trees and damaged fencing or access tracks.
  • Stay off beach erosion cliffs. These are highly unstable and could collapse at any time, causing serious injury or death.
  • Exercise caution when swimming. Following heavy rain, rivers and creeks contain higher levels of pathogens which can be carried to ocean beaches. 

Council is working to restore beach access in most areas, but some entry points remain closed due to damage from ex-Cyclone Alfred. If you spot a hazard, please keep your distance and report it online or call Council on 02 6670 2400.